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Everything You Need to Know About Grooming Your Horse

Grooming is one of the most beneficial ways you can bond with your horse. Not only does it improve the appearance of your horse, but it helps promote healthy and emotional bonding between the two of you. Grooming stabled horses should be done on a regular basis to keep a horse’s coat and skin healthy. Here at Prime Stables we would recommend that you try to make grooming a daily habit. Read on to discover how to correctly groom your horse.

Secure Your Horse

Safely securing your horse is an essential part of the grooming process as it ensures that your horse doesn’t suddenly bolt. However, be sure to use a quick-release knot when you secure your horse as this will make sure he can escape without injuring himself. Sometimes horses can get easily distressed when they are tied up, causing them to buck and fight – trying to break free. If a knot isn’t quick-release, it could cause serious injury to you or your horse. Keep everyone safe by tying a quick-release knot and gently comforting your horse to let him know he is safe.


Picking your horse’s hooves is especially important for maintaining health and preventing injury. It can also help to remove and prevent thrush and other infections. Start by running your hand carefully down his leg, squeezing gently his tendon. Using a hoof pick, carefully remove all rocks, dirt and other debris that have become trapped. Do not dig too deeply as this may hurt your horse. Instead, gently pick away, removing any visible debris. We would recommend picking your horse’s hooves before and after a ride for maximum benefit.


Brushing your horse has many bonding benefits but it also helps to release natural oils into the coat that help to protect your horse from the wind and rain. Use a brush to remove loose hair from your horse. Rubber curry combs are specially designed for this purpose and are brilliant at loosening dirt, mud and other things caught up in your horse’s coat. Follow afterwards with a hard-bristled brush, being careful to avoid sensitive areas. The hard-bristled brush will remove the dirt and hair that the curry comb loosened. Use a soft brush on the more sensitive areas of your horse, being particularly gentle around the face so as not to hurt or frighten him.

Clean Your Horse’s Face

Cleaning your horse’s face is particularly important to avoid the risk of infection. Wet your cloth and wipe out your horse’s eyes and clean out his nose. Always remember to be gentle, the face is particularly sensitive. We would strongly recommend using a separate cloth for the cleaning of your horse’s face so as not to cause infection.


Cleaning the rump of your horse with a separate cloth again is especially important. This particular area is often moist, collecting dirt and mucus build up that needs to be regularly cleaned out. As with other areas of your horse, this area is particularly sensitive so be extra gentle and reassure your horse simultaneously so that he does not become frightened. Be sure not to share any grooming tools with other horses as this can spread infection and skin fungus like ringworm.

Brush Out the Mane and Tail

Use a wide-bristled mane comb or brush to get tangles out of your horse’s mane and tail. When brushing the tail, we would recommend that you stand to the side of your horse. This way, if you horse kicks out, you are in a safer position and less likely to be hurt. When brushing your horse, make sure to keep in constant contact, keeping one hand on your horse at all times to reassure him.


Grooming is a wonderful way to bond with your horse and it also helps you check for any injuries or irritations on a regular basis. Here at Prime Stables, we sell a variety of grooming products for horse so we sure to check out our shop and have a browse through the products on offer. We hope you have found this article useful. If you would like any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to help you.

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