With the exception of Mobile Field Shelters, most equestrian buildings will require planning permission. However, do contact your local council, because if you are looking to put a building within the curtilage of your garden, this could fall under permitted development.

With the exception of Mobile Field Shelters, most equestrian buildings will require planning permission. However, do contact your local council, because if you are looking to put a building within the curtilage of your garden, this could fall under permitted development.
If required, we can produce the elevation drawings for a nominal fee of £180.00, which will be refunded on completion of the installation. Please call us for more information on 01403 823 836.
In addition to the elevation drawings, you will also need to complete a Planning Application Form, provide a Design and Access Statement and produce a Site Location Plan and Block plan to show the location of the buildings.

We can provide the Site Location Plan and Block Plan to the required scales and for this we charge a non-refundable fee of £133.80. Please note, this fee is for a standard area, the charge for more rural or built up areas will be confirmed.
Although we are unable to submit the whole application for you, we are here to help. So if you have any questions, or need any help with the application form or design and access statement, please call us on 01403 823 836.
The drawings will be e-mailed as a PDF for you to check and once you have confirmed the drawings are as required, we can post you the hard copies.

If you choose to use an architect or planning consultant to submit your application, we would advise using our drawing service. This will ensure that the drawings submitted are correct and will match the sizes and specifications required for your horses. Incorrect drawings could end up costing you in either time, money or both.
Need some more information on planning drawings? Speak to us today!